How we can help.

Depending on your own capacity or your prospects specific requirements you might engage Bid Coach specialists for one, or more phases. You can use our services in any combination to suit the particular bidding process and your resource availability.
All our principal consultants have honed their craft interpreting clients’ needs and refining business propositions to tailor them to a specific audience. We also have significant experience working client side as assessors and markers.

Services we offer.

Bid Coach is based in the South-West of England, but the vast majority of our work takes place within the offices of our clients. In situations where co-location is the most efficient way of delivering our services then key staff are willing to co-locate.


Presentation Coaching

Our approach is supportive, constructive and completely honest, helping to build your confidence and conviction as we go.


Behavioural Coaching

We give your team the skills they need to shine. You will understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team and have strategies for how each individual can help plug any gaps.


Presentation Assets

A pitch presentation is often your first opportunity to make an impression on a potential supplier contractor. A well-designed presentation creates a positive and professional image.


Finding the strength within

We deliver our support based solely around the context of the opportunities you are working towards winning.

Our coaching learning programmes are practical, thought-provoking and designed to engage even the most cynical professional. Our team communicate with empathy: sharing skills, strategies, tools and techniques for a rounded understanding of what is expected and the context. We provide structure and processes to help individuals succeed in their respective roles. Our starting point is always the existing strengths of your people. We build on these strengths improving their team-working skills and self-awareness.  

Learning, and the adoption of new skills and approaches by your people happens naturally and is sustainable. This deep learning benefits the participants on current and future projects, delivering sustained benefits through transferable skills.

By explaining ‘why’ rationally, the ‘what’ and ‘how’ together with required behavioural changes follow logically.

We don’t aim to sell you our way of doing things; we help you develop your way of doing things, in a way that delivers you the maximum chance of success with your bids and tenders – now and in the future.

Contact The Bid Coach

Contact us now to discuss how we could help you win more often.


07970 694814


The Bid Coach Ltd, Brockham End, Tuckers Lane, Baltonsborough, Somerset BA6 8RH

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